Cleaning up polygon meshes
Is there an easy way to delete polygons/points /lines from inside a complicated mesh?
I have been building a model which looks great from the outside, yet when i try break it apart so that i can prep it for 3d Printing, i'm finding there are lots of messy layers within the model.
Mainly caused when sections have been extruded to create panels on the exterior...these seem to have multiple layers inside.
I would love to know if there is a tool that you can use to strip out all the hidden,un-used structure inside a mesh.
Adam -
forgot to say - I have been using the Connect+Delete but it doesn't seem to get rid of the hidden stuff
Hi Adam,
If it is just unused unconnected Points, then the Mesh> Remove> Optimize function should work.
For print, I think it is safe to say that you have a connected water-tight mesh.
This means you can select a point and use the Select connected.
Then, use (also in the Select Menu) the Hide Selected. Which should show you all "leftovers" inside the object. Then: Show All.If the inside is connected to the surface, that must be handled manually.
Also, explore the Attribute Manager> Mode> Modeling> Meshcheck options.
Besides that, depending on your Model and details, the Remesh might help or the Volume, perhaps even first, then the other in a sequence.
Case dependent.If you can share a model via Dropbox, Google, Adobe, Apple, or Wetransfer, as a downloadable option, I can look at it.
Typically, ZBrush has better options for 3D Printing.
All the best
@Dr-Sassi Thanks dr Sassi,
I think i might just try re-making the model. The main problem i have is that when i have used the extrude tool to push and pull panels (its a spaceship model) its created extra geometry on the inside of the model. then when i come to split the model into smaller sections its impossible to patch the gaps as there are loads of extra layers around the edge that all need to be covered.
I think this is one of those live and learn experiences!!
Thanks lightningad,
When you use the Extrude Tool, have the Create Cap option off. It might be helpful for the first extrude to create a closed object, but if left on, each following use on the same polygon selection will create these inside caps.
Those extra Polygons can create a lot of problems. Since it is not simple to filter those out, in general, sometimes it helps to use the
Attribute Manager> Mode> Modeling> Model Check: Select (>>) Non ManifoldThis will select the edges if the Shift key is held from Edge to Polygon mode; these polygons are often selected and can be deleted. Not always successful!
With less detailed models and no time for a manual fix, putting those objects into a Volume/Mesher setup and then into a Remesher (perhaps set to 1% even) might create some usable results.
All the best
I think thats exactly what i did wrong!
It was quicker to go back a few iterations in the model and change the sequence i did things (break the model apart before applying panel extrusions )made everything much easier to deal with!thanks for the explanations and possible solutions.
adam -
Thanks a lot, Adam, for your feedback.
Nice that it works for you!
My best wishes for your project.