No File Specified. Please provide a file path for import.
Hi there,
I've had this issue when rendering with an error message saying:"No File Specified. Please provide a file path for import."
I haven't had this problem until recently and my tutor doesn't know what it means either.
This error message will pop up 50 times turning my C4D experience into a cookie clicker as I manically click okay or X to get rid of it. My stuff still renders (eventually) but it has become bothersome to put anything in render queue as the error message will pop up between each render requiring me to play cookie clicker again until the message leaves.I'm quite stumped as this has happened across all my files - old and new and I haven't renamed or moved any files from where they may be attached to others.
Maybe I've missed something somewhere in my render settings.
Any help would be appreciated.
CheersPs I don't know if this is right forum to post this on so please chuck me in the right direction if it isn't.
Hi sympathy-flight,
Please check with tech support, thank you.
All the best