Hi there,
I’ve built out a 300 frame scene with three RS Matrix objects, each with 5-10 plants in them, scattered on a landscape, and 2/3 with 100,000 clones each.
My project scene file is upwards of 16gb, assuming because of all of the effectors, vertex maps, and mograph cache tags applied to the matrix objects.
I work on LucidLink and have my files pinned to an SSD with a 4gbps internet connection, so speed/connection has never been an issue. However, when I save my project with ctrl+s, or the project autosaves, it’s at least a 3 minute wait each time, assuming because of bloated scene and calculations/caches.
Are there any suggestions to reduce the scene file size to allow for quicker saving? Can I save my mograph caches externally and not in the scene file? Since I’m using matrix scatters I’m not sure I can do an alembic (I never have luck with alembics, something always goes wrong and they never show up as my scene did prior to baking down - probably operator error here tbh )
Any help would be super valuable. Tysm.