[Help] Modeling the Splines and Generators
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I think using Cloth Surface for thickness like this video (14:00) has issues. I'm around chapter 15 and start giving objects PBR materials using OctaneRender, the refraction of the fishbowl is wrong no matter how I tweaked the renderer, then I found by using positive values in Cloth Surface's Thickness parameter solves the issue. In the end, I recreated the fishbowl with splines with what I've learned from this series, and I found it more intuitive and precise, and it works pretty well when render. I absolutely love how this series cover as many tools as possible, but I just think choosing this tool for this purpose may not be optimal.
Hi FaustBleu,
Yes, indeed, Octane would require a different tutorial.
For a while, Cinema 4D offers the Thickness Object, perhaps worth a shot.
Thanks for the kind words.
My best wishes.
Great tutorial! I am new to Cinema 4D and am learning from Getting Started with Cinema 4D. I am in chapter 6. and I have three questions:
- The perspective window, the grid is in the wrong direction; how can I adjust the grid?
- I can't scale or rotate the crab. The center of the scale icon is not activated. It's gray. How can I fix the issue?
- I copied and pasted all the parts into a new document. Now, when I scale the crab, all the parts scale up individually, and you lose all the proportions. in the image, the pupils disappears. How can I fix the issue?
Hi committee-tear,
When I open the downloadable file, I sometimes have to press the T or R key twice to get Scale or Rotation. I have no idea if you have that as well. Perhaps that is the problem?
To make that easier for you, I have recorded a 60-second clip.
https://stcineversityprod02.blob.core.windows.net/$web/Cineversity_Forum_Support/2024_Clips_DRS/20240320_06_Crab-Bowl_Scale_Rotation.mp4The grid should be OK; if not, go to the menu directly over the editor Perspective window:
View> Frame Default.
Does this help?Scale
Click in a space when the Scale tool is active. Press the T key once; in any of your images, the Move tool is active, not the Scale tool. Make sure the Top Null (Crab-Character) is selected, not the Sphere that is the Crab-body. Click and drag. The Crab is built out of Primitives, and they behave a little bit differently than Polygon objects. It is not essential for this lesson, but be aware that more will come.Rotate
Press the R key once (or use the icon)There should be a change, and three circular bands should show up.
I hope the little video helps.
Please let me know how it goes.