Weight Tool R25
Hello friends. I have one question according Weight Tool in Cinema 4D R25.
After doing the entire rigging process in R25 I had a problem with the weight tool: when I use the weight tool and click on a joint, several color points from that same joint appear on the entire model, instead of having one point of color radiating from the joint as it was in previous versions. This greatly hinders the process. Did I miss something or is there a way to fix it? Thanks. -
Hi Laura Fischer,
It works here as expected; I tested it in R25.
Please check the file below and share what is different.
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CV4_R25_drs_23_CAwe_01.c4dAll the best
@Dr-Sassi Hi Dr-Sassi, thank you so much for your reply. I will make some tests here and let you know the results. My best
Sorry @Dr-Sassi I realized that it was just a Display problem, I must use Constating Shading to have the weight tool the way I need. Really sorry for this mistake. Thank you so much for your time and patience. My best always
Thanks for sharing your experience here, Laura Fischer.
I'm sure this will help someone else.
My best wishes and enjoy your project!