C4d Pyro vdb export not going well in Blender cycles
Is there some additional work around to get pyro vdb exported from c4d to work in blender. I am using cycles in this case. VDB got imported successfully but its showing up as big voxel blocks in blender.
Hi buddy-guitar,
I assume it renders fine in Cinema 4D/Redshift 3D. Which indeed shows what channels to use.
In other words, if you use Cycles, ensure all VDB channels are set correctly.
Besides, in the forum, some mention what else must be set up correctly.https://blenderartists.org/t/i-export-a-pyro-from-c4d-as-vdb-but-the-rendering-time-is-not-displayed-with-the-cycle-only-cycle/1461716
https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/latest/modeling/volumes/properties.htmlSorry, I'm not familiar with Blender's Cycle.
Good luck
Same problem. Seems like Cinema is the problem here. Other VDBs from the internet render fine in blender.
Hi, party doctor,
Please check with the tech support.
https://www.maxon.net/en/support-centerIt would be great if you could share a quick example with tech support.
Thanks for considering
All the best