evenly space different objects along a spline
Hi Dr. Sassi, how are you? long time-is it possible to animateamino-acid-spacing.c4d evenly spaced simple geometries along a spline , and have them animated traveling along the spline? having a rough go of it ; ( I appreciate your time, thank you, Craig
Hi Craig,
Please have a look here:
CV4_2025_drs_24_MGes_02.c4dIs that along with your idea?
There was an animation that used the "End" option, which is here. Just in case:
CV4_2025_drs_24_MGes_01.c4dLet me know if that works.
Enjoy your project
Thanks Dr. Sassi, these look great !- I included a geo, that I should not have my fault, a couple of questions though; what is the difference between the two solutions? also, can you please tell me what I did wrong?
one more thing please, when I increase the number of geos, the spaces become more random, why is that?, CZ
Hi Craig,
Typically, the Spline is OK, but the Cloner needs to be set to Even. I ensured with the MoSpline that any imprecision was eliminated, just in case (Perhaps way over the top).
Please ensure the geometry sits on PSR 0; 0; 0. That is typically a given, as the Cloner can overwrite this (Reset Coordinates), but if the "child-object" determines the location of the result and not the Parent (Spline and Extrude, for example), then the distance is not even. Even if both are set correctly, the Extrude typically expands away from that point, a Parent Null on top can heal that.
Here is an example about how things can go "wrong".
CV4_2025_drs_24_MGes_11.c4dWhich movement do you prefer so I can answer (file 01 or 02?)
I like 1, thx, CZ
Thank you, Craig.
It is often unclear what one likes and what the problem is.
Your answer helps. Thank you.
If there is anything else, like the uneven scene, perhaps check with small spheres it the same problem shows up. If so, share the file, please.