Redshift Alpha Issue
Does anyone know how I can solve the issue with the leaves? Please see attached image. I created a plane and then surfaced with a leaf texture containing an alpha. I have turned filtering off, still same issue.
It’s almost as if the alpha is not completely working.
Also attached the leaf and alpha for the surface.
Latest version of C4D and Redshift.
Thank you.
Hi Devoted,
I have explored all the options I can think of, considering that the Alpha channel is 100% black and the color settings are OK.
Please check this file to see if that problem shows up as well. so, then please check with tech support. not, could you share your file (please only via Dropbox, Wetransfer, Google, Adobe, or Apple cloud services, thank you)
All the best
As always thank you for your time. I went ahead and modeled the leaves to solve the problem, but I will definitely check out the scene you have provided since this has always been a requiring problem. Thank you very much, Happy holidays!
Hi Devoted,
I couldn't download the shared images; it gave me a "webp" format I'm unfamiliar with.
Does the problem with the file provided show up?
You can share the leave and one plane, and please use an HDRI from the Asset Browser. The shared file is small, so we don't need to share what is already available. I'm happy to look into it.
Happy Holidays!