CV-Toolbox/CV-Effectors not showing in 2023
I somehow managed to install CV-Toolbox some weeks ago an I was able to install a good amount of plugins to 2023, but while the plugins are still showing up in the extensions-menu, cv-toolkit is not.
I tried to install the effectors today (mainly because of the dynamics passthrough) but I can't, as there's no toolbox. Trying to install manually didn't work either.
Dropped them into /prefs/plugs but without success.The only "solution" in the old cineverity-forum is "to drop cv-toolbox" into the plugins-folder aand then "reset the system", which is a bit vague to say the least....
Any better advice? The effector seems to be the exact (and only) solution to my current problem in a setup...
Best regards, C
Dr. Sassi
Sorry for spamming, but we're looking for the exact same thing! Hopefully Maxon brings back CV plugins!
Another bump for this one. Been waiting for them to fix dynamics passthrough for years now.
It's such a useful tool, I don't know why it's not built into standard C4D.
I have given up on Maxon listening to their existing customers needs, tbh. All they care about is fishing new customers and trying to keep up with blender by adding new tools in alpha-- or beta-state and pumping money into boring shows on youtube. I am a 25 year C4D-User (yes, I started with Release 5) but it's only for my clients still using C4D and me being so used to the tool that I didn't completely switch to Blender, UE and other really innovative tools sporting vital communities and a good support. I am quite sure no one at Maxon reads this forum...
I was about to start a similar post - is it just me or is the state of C4D (plugins especially) as bad as in a long time? We had a good run recouperating after switching to python3, but right now like 50% of the plugins I used all the time are not working in 2023. Most puzzling is CV-Toolbox, a plugin DEVELOPED BY MAXON and adding features that should have been in c4d core versions ago.
As if this isn't bad enough, despite really someone asking in the forums every single day there is no statement or development-updates on this topic. I mean, WTF is going on?
It's a legit approach to "beta" features in official releases, but maybe Maxon should also be more transparent about the development process and state of things - I remember plugin authors
being not to happy about updating their plugins for every single release, and that was years ago when actually most of them still did care. IMHO one reason why Blender's ecosystem is thriving is because you can just take a look at what's going on with the development process, and plan accordingly.
And to add insult to injury you have assets in the Asset Library that are only available to Maxon One subscribers while basic functionality is still not working or lacking alltoghether.
I always kinda shy away from ranting about cinema4d and other software (except adobe I guess) because my little programming knowledge tells me making software is really really hard,
but as a customer for more than 10 years (and being shown very little love at that btw) I can't stop feeling a little bit pissed right now.
So sorry for hijacking this thread, but it has been on my mind for some time now.
Let's hope it's the "it has to get worse before it get's better", I really do want to believe that. -
I agree with the other posts here. why is it not working..also why it it a separate plug in at all. why not be installed by default. why do we have to dig up some old civersity video to find the files and install instructions. its weird. common Maxon just include it in the asset browser/ extension dropdown with c4d install.
My guess is that it's similar to their answer on the Toon shader: The developer that originally made it is no longer there and nobody knows anything about it (how its written, etc)
Found this buried in the Maxon FAQ page: