Animation Clips - convert to curves
Hello again Dr. Sassi!
How can I convert animation clips into key frames/splines so I can retarget the animation to another character?
Ive also been having problems to re-skin weight a character after doing the Mixamo Control Rig process. I wanted to correct a few things and the mesh breaks, and cant ctrl-z after that. Sorry if I shouldnt ask 2 questions in one single post, lmk I can add another post.
thnx! -
Hi cross-roll,
Yes, questions are easier to find if they are not mixed. Thanks for mentioning it.
Animation clips are based on a certain Hierarchy. This hierarchy should be available to write the data back. If the target rig has the same hierarchy, that would be the idea of Animation Clips being helpful so that you can use the Animation Clip directly. I typically suggest placing a Null on top of a Mixamo hierarchy for organizational reasons and a much easier replacement of rigs.
The Keyframes can then be written back to the Object in question, given that they have the same parameters.
If you have a different hierarchy, you can take the Motion Clip that needs to be written back with a copy of the rig and get the keyframes from there.
Set up a similar hierarchy with nulls and place the Motion System Tag in the same position where it was written.
How do you find the hierarchy of a clip? Click on the Clip, and you will find a tab called Hierarchy in the Attribute Manager.
If you have only one Object, you can right-mouse-click on the Animation Clip (While in the timeline, and open it in the dope sheet. Please copy what you need and paste it to the target objects tracks.
For a single parameter, another option is just to use the right mouse click> Expression, Set Driver Set Driven option. If needed, bake the results.
Converting Position Track data to a spline misses scale and rotation, but if that is all you need, it is an easy process, back and forth. Timeline> Functions.
As you mentioned, that needs an extra post, but I need more data.
To weigh a mesh or change is described in the Character Series you have on your screen is beyond me, meaning I can't see what you are doing and what settings you have on or off, e.g., are all weights adding per point to exactly 100.00%?
Perhaps try first to transfer the data via Character> Definition Tag if the Motion Clip option isn't working for you.
I'm sure that isn't helping; I have very little information, as I mentioned.
All the best
Thnx Dr. Sassi,
I will dive into all the information you shared as well as the tutorial before knocking on your door again.
Thanks so much
best! -
Thank you very much, cross-roll.
Please feel always free to ask if something needs more information.
If you find a problem in your workflow, check if the steps shared allow me to re-create it. I might do it differently otherwise and can't help in the way I would love to.Cheers