Cloudy shadows
Dear All.
I'd like to get rid off those cloudy shadows, artefacts or call it what you want... on the right side in the corners.
Does someone know how?I use the Physical Render, GI, Interieur Render Preset (Preview), Physical Sky and additional lights with area shadows.
No Ambient Occlusion so far.Here is the scene:
Hi pull-following,
I assume (since I'm not aware of what is and unknown URLs—I do not touch, sorry) that you have problems with the Irradiance method.
Images (JPG) up to 500 pixels high will work here in the forum.I like to work with project files, as they contain all the information. Images are often a result of something and do not show all parameters, so I try to focus on what has worked over the decades doing that.
This method takes samples and interpolates among all the samples. If there are light leaks or too few samples, things will get "spotty.
Typically, more samples help (Higher Record density)
As a side note:
Ambient Occlusion was a method used before GI was more practical to use. Proper GI produces, by default, AO. Adding another AO on top of that defeats the purpose and, sometimes, makes it worse, as standard AO works with geometry only and will not take even a close-by light source into account. Many people even multiply this over a gamma-based image, which adds another layer of problems. My suggestion is to invest the render time into GI instead. But of course, if an AO pass is what you want, use it to drive an Adjustment layer. Invert the mask in Ae, for example, and then use that adjustment layer with a HUE and exposure adjustment. (Linear light workflow, no gamma 2.2. based, of course)My best wishes
Thanks for your help Dr.Sassi.
Then I'll try to hand over the file. Don't wonder, it's partly in German.
Hi pull-following
Thanks a lot, and don't worry about being in German; that is no problem.
I'm sorry, I should have mentioned that we have cleared only Dropbox, Google, Adobe, Apple, and Wetranfer for cloud services. For security reasons, I can't use anything else.
Would you mind sharing it with one of the cloud services mentioned? Sorry again for the extra effort.Herzlichst