[FAQ] Why Can't I Post in the Forums?
There are a few different reasons for this.
You are currently not logged in. The login information does expire after awhile, so you may have to refresh and relog into your account if you have been inactive for too long.
You are logged into an account that doesn't have Cineversity Access. If you accidently logged into the wrong account, log out and log in with the correct MyMaxon credentials.
This forum section is unlocked for non-registered users. That way we can help you, but if you cannot post in other sections, then you do not have a Cineversity license. Please check your mymaxon.net account for an active Cineversity license.
If you are part of an ORG account, you will need your supervisor to issue you a Cineversity license. It is the same protocol as issuing a license for any of Maxon's products.
If you believe you should have a Cineversity license, but it is not showing on your mymaxon.net, then you will need to open a support ticket with Maxon.
Tutorial Discussion forum section does not allow for the creation of new posts. Please refer to this post as to why: FAQ: Why Can't I Create a New Topic in Tutorial Discussions