Is there any easy way to convert an imported FBX with multiple animation clips saved in takes to Motion Clips?
I routinely receive FBX assets that come out of Unity or Unreal which, when imported, have multiple "takes", one for each animation segment/action. e.g. "walk", "run", "attack".
I know how to go through, take by take, create one motion clip at a time, name it, etc.
It'd be great (and I'm guessing useful for a lot of people) if there were a plugin or script that would evaluate an imported FBX and convert the takes to motion clips with a single command, like, say "convert takes to motion clips."
Is this a thing? If it's not, is there an easier way?
Thanks much,
- Greg
Hi Greg,
It's certainly a useful function to have. That would be something like "Render all Takes", but with the option to combine them as one clip for a single character.
I'm not aware of something like that as a function or as a plug-in.
I would drag the Animation menu out, place the Takes menu close by, and select the first take, then Animation> Create Animation Clip. So, it can be done as a click-and-go cycle.
Click on the next take rectangle and add another Animation clip.When all are done, extend the time of the project and place all clips in a single Motion System Layer. Convert to Keyframes if the Motion System is not your target.
With that, my idea would be to have a Command in the Take system that allows for a single selected object to produce Animation clips like the Render all takes.
This would be my suggestion, if I needed that to the "Share Your idea" option, for the input to the "Share your Idea".
All the best