Finding lowest Y-coordinate of null object with children
I'm trying to figure out a way to calculate the following:
In a named null, there are various objects. I need to figure out the lowest Y-coordinate of it (or basically, the lowest Y coordinate of the lowest child).
I'm writing a script that will move another object to within 0.001 cm of this lowest point, hence why I need to know the above.
I'm currently programming in Python, but if you know the steps I can likely reproduce this with code I imagine.
Thanks for any insights.
Hi Markeee,
Any code development needs to be done with the Developer Forum.
I can't check if the shared code is not swapped out. Hence, a security problem would be possible.
So, there is no code here.What you need is the Python Node in XPresso, and read the values into a list, then call the min value from that list.
I'm not supporting code development here; please use the link above if you have any questions.
Examples are easy to find (google it).
My best wishes