Missing file in c4d r23 C++ sdk
I'm trying to compile a C4D plugin of the 3Delight renderer for C4D R23
according to these instructions:https://gitlab.com/3Delight/3delight-for-cinema-4d
However, I'm always stuck on the step that requires building the c4d sdk
as it gives me some kind of "missing file error". I've used both the sdk that came with my installation as well as the one I downloaded from the Maxon site corresponding to R23. Here is a screenshot of the error:https://drive.google.com/file/d/1eq3fTs0S-xEEI0uD5RlWL-s5d_7D2lJD/view?usp=sharing
Can anyone explain to me why the sdk does not have this file included if it's so important? And how can I circumvent this issue? Sorry if this is the wrong place to post, but I couldn't find an active developer forum anymore so I don't know where else to ask this question. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Hi adploshlko,
Please check out the developer forum:
https://developers.maxon.net/forum/I hope you get exactly what you need, even for R23.
All the best
Thanks, I'll ask on there.
Thank you very much, adploshko, for understanding.
My best wishes