Particle Custom properities
I am studiying on particles and I did update my cinema a minute ago but after this my particles are not givin response as I expected. Maybe I am doing someting wrong I dont know. Node modifier is ok, it shows me the texture that ı put on it but when I add the material on particle it shows me black. what is the reason for that
Particle_node_material_bug.c4d -
Hi anywhere-final,
Thanks for the file
I have run the project in 2025.1.2
then in 2025.1.3.
When I compare both (A/B Picture Viewer), I get this:
No differenceIf you experience a difference, then tech-support should look into it.
Fingers crossed that can be solved quickly.
My best wishes
interesting Did you check my material setup ? in the render , yes we can see but on the material side it shows us only black. Without particle modifier, it should show material also am I wrong ?
Hi anywhere-final,
In 2025.1.2. In comparison to 2025.1.3, both give me the image during render time when the Material Tag is on the Particle Group.
What is the Redshift Asset Manager telling you?
All the best
I want to show but I cannot share any picture here
it says always dimensions is very big... what is the limitation here for sharing simple screenshoot ?
The image can be 500 pixels high, but wider, anywhere-final; I know it is small.
If you need a larger one, please use one of the following: Dropbox, Wetransfer, Google, Adobe, or Apple cloud services. For security reasons, that is the current selection. Thank you.
Hi again
here there are two pictures . One is without material one is with material. But I think material version also must show mat. But it is only black now. I think I did true "get custom property " from user vector data but it looks not work for now.
Maybe ı am doing something wrong any idea ? -
Hi anywhere-final,
Sorry that you did the extra work with images. I would always take your word for it that the particles stay black. Images might show that, but what else can I gain from it? Project files are the key to solving problems, as long as they are not based on hardware or configurations that I can't replicate.
I hope I can find the problem, as it may help others.When I turn off the Project settings>Simulation> Particle Custom Properties, here is the setup for the "UV" channel, and then I get white for the Particles, not black. Is the channel set to Vector? (Wild guess)
If I mess with the Path of the image, it doesn't go black either.
Is the texture showing up on an object? I just want to check if it is available.Since I can't reproduce this with the file you sent initially, I guess that it is perhaps a tech support case: you can share the project (for security reasons, I will check only Dropbox, Wetransfer, Google, Adobe, or Apple, no zip/rar, and no tiny URL, the URL pasted into the text directly, no HTML. Images are also available, but please only use these cloud services, as those check the items.) Thank you.
Please save with Assets. Thank you.
Enjoy your weekend