A small sweep 'hairline gap' problem
Hi guys, I've created a mobius shape by sweeping a rectangle around a circular shape. I've rotated -180 degrees to achieve the desired effect but im left with a tiny hairline 'gap' that i cant get rid of. I can obviously get rid in photoshop but I've got a few different types to create so was hoping somebody might be able to help. I've tried subdivision and a few other things but nothing will get rid of the 'gap'.
I've searched the forums for an answer but I cant find anything.Thanks guys. Maxi
Hi Maxi,
Please have a look here:
The key is to have no caps and weld the ends with a Connect object. This disables the use of fine bevels, as they would also be welded.
To have nice bevels, they are produced after that weld, which explains the Null Parent.
Please let me know if you have any questions.All the best
Thank you so much. Worked like a dream!
Thank you very much, Maxi.
My best wishes for your project!