wintab32.dll C4D Zbrush issue
Hi, first post to this new forum incarnation. I purchased a Huion graphics tablet to learn Zbrush, before going for a higher priced device. When using Zbrush, Huion depends on the old wintab32.dll driver to provide pressure sensitivity. Unfortunately, according to several bug report replies from Maxon, it also causes frequent and random crashes of C4D (2023). So my current workflow is to remove it from my system and reboot when primarily working with C4D, not ideal. Huion's response is to simply send me another link to wintab32.dll to download, and Maxon doesn't seem like they are going to do anything either besides advising me to remove it from the system. I have toggled every variation of the C4D Input Device Graphics Tablet options to no avail. Anyone got any suggestion/work-around?
Jeff -
Hi Jeff,
Sorry to hear about your problem. Looks like they release new drives, perhaps your input will help the next driver to work. Fingers crossed.
My only tip: check out if older drivers might work. The latest is not always the greatest in the driver world.
If it has BlueTooth, try to go with cable. If a cable is used, check at least that the problem is not based on that cable, and do not use a USB hub while testing or other hardware.
If it has a sleep mode, shut this off. If it has touch mode, also off, perhaps conflicting data can be produced.
Keep the tablet's surface clean.
I tell all of that more or less based on this background:
After four months of going back and forth, I just gave up on another tablet company, hoping we get something established. But all my hours writing reports answering questions, based on the idea that many people might get help that way, with no result.
I have jumped ship after 20 years and roughly a dozen tablets from that company. I was happy, but they put so many gimmicks into their products now that I believe the problems have their source there.
It was not an easy decision, but if the driver is not working, then it is time to switch from my point of view. I ordered a different brand, and it works as it should. However, I do not suggest hardware here. My setup is, without a doubt, different.
Yes, the market is much bigger than 20 years ago, and the pressure is undoubtedly higher.
All the best
Hi Jeff,
Did you ever find a solution to your issue?
I'm faced with the same dilemma now (except in my case, it is Redshift that is crashing frequently). -
Hi joel_motion,
It's not fun that things crash; sorry to hear. Like my internet hardware "blew up" today, I share that as I'm late answering.
Please open a ticket. In that way, the issue is in the database, which helps improve things.
Thanks for your effort, if you can spare a moment.
Have a great evening.
Hi Jeff,
Before I start a new topic, I wanted to check if you found a solution for your Huion tablet. I’m having issues with Cinema 4D, and support mentioned that Maxon only collaborates with Wacom.
Best regards
Piotr -
Hi Piotr,
That was two years ago; I wonder why you have to endure this even with the current version; it should be handled by now.
In any case, sorry for your problems. If the company doesn't update their tablet driver, I'm not sure what else to tell. Change the brand perhaps? I swapped out one company here, and since then I am at peace. (But I did not had the one from above)Please check with tech support, if there is anything that is not based on the Tablet producer to create. Any problems in this way (tech/code-based) must be handled there. Thank you.
All the best