connect muscle end to bone?
Hi Dr. Sassi, how are you?, long time indeed. I can not find a tutorial on line( I usually can, on Youtube), if one end of a muscle, for example is connected to a static bone, the other end connected to a movable bone, so the muscle stretches , I'm thinking some of the points connected to the movable bone, so the muscle stretches? is this possible? think of a jawbone opening and closing. Any ideas/revelations, would be most appreciated, thank you for your time, Best, Craig
[email protected] -
Hi Craig,
Nice to see you here, I hope you are doing fine as well!
Please have a look here:
Is this answering your question?
Hi Dr. Sassi, this is great!-thank you- what if I want to substitute the muscle object with a model of a muscle, attached on one end , to a bone, with several points, and attached on the other end, with several point on another bone that rotates on it s axis like what you have ? I have found a tutorial that uses " the cluster null- I am trying to use tools that I've never used before, I appreciate your patience with me ;)-Craig
Craig, no patience is needed; I appreciate your questions and hope they will help others find an answer without waiting for anyone.
Typically that is what the Muscle does with the Skin and MSkin in Concert. Not what you want, if I understand correctly
Yes, Cluster will work, but you need two of those for each joint one. Perhaps a little bit more work is needed to get it nicely balanced between the two joints. If there is any change, you might start over with the weighting, etc.
Why not use the Joints and weight between the two with a Skin Object to work with a Mesh Deformer? So the two joints drive a Cage, and the Mesh Deformer will do whatever happens inside the cage to the Polygon Model. Need a different model, just swap it out.
Have a look here:
A different approach could be via Spline Wrap, but perhaps more complex.
PoseMorph comes to mind with PSD, which is not ideal for changes.Cheers
Hey man, this is so cool!-I saw a tut, youtube, using a mesh deformer, like what you did-this may work for me, but I need to experiment with my models-you are solid !- I am a bit down, and tired, but I wanted to respond to let you know how appreciative I am, as all of us users here are. Stay well , my friend, ( can I call you friend?
), Craig
Hey Craig,
Thanks so much for the lovely feedback.
As long as we stay friendly to each other, the term fits.
Stay well as well.
@Dr-Sassi Hi Dr. Sassi, how are you? with respect to your nice solution, regarding my post, connecting muscle to bone etc, you used a figure being deformed , I tried to swap out the figure with a different edited mesh, but it will not work; can you please tell me what I am doing wrong; your solution was really good , I was hoping to put the "parent" joint as child to one bone, and the "joint lower" in another bone, as the lower bone rotates, it " stretches a muscle', thank as always, Craig
Hi Craig,
If that was the file with the Mesh Deform, you need to press the " Initialize " button again after changing the Object used to Deform.
This command will lock the state of the cage mesh to the state of the mesh it is deforming by assigning a weight value for each point of the cage to the cage it is deforming. It can take some time, depending on both the resolution of the cage and the mesh object. You need to run this command after dragging a mesh object in the Cages list and anytime you want to change the shape and resolution of the cage object or the deformed object.Is this working for you?
Hi Dr. Sassi, thank you-btw, I dont know why "chaannel-blame" is my new moniker-LOL I this seems to work nicely, thanks. I was also thinking, maybe using a cloth tag and "pinning some points", does that have possibilities? I need to find a tutorial on youtube, maybe that is a good alternative, be well Craig
Hi Craig,
Cloth would put some calculation effort into the game. But that can be cached.
I have not seen what you want to achieve aesthetically, so it isn't easy to share ideas.
All the best
Hey Dr. Sassi, hi again; I'm trying to achieve the "figure in the cage" approach, but this time, I connected two meshes using a constraint tag, with a capsule attached to a cube, and they both go around on a spline; I'm trying to have part of the capsule static/not moving, maybe a deformer? what I am doing is not working, either I cant do it or it can not be done with my approach, any revelations would be great, thank you for your time Craig
Hi Craig,
There are certainly many ways.
I hesitate to use dynamics simulations here, as there is some freedom needed for the system to work. Which in return creates resistance to being art-directed.
So the example with the two bones was what you are after. So you have two very defined areas with a particular movement.
I would do it this way:
The top and bottom Spline define the movement of the Middle one, and their distance defines the Scale of the middle.
You could add even more Splines between if needed and set the Constrain and Range Mapper accordingly. It follows precisely the given instruction, and in that way, it is stable.Based on your question, I have explored Simulation with two defining objects, but from my point of view, the one problem it solved created so many little ones, hence why I go here "old school".
Enjoy your weekend
thx, you as well, CZ
thanks, be well, CZ
Thank you, Craig!
Hi Dr. Sassi, how are you today? well, I am perplexed. Please see attached. I'm trying to open this mandible, and stretch the masseter muscle , and move the mandible slightly forward, I just am lost as to how to affix the top part of the muscle to the top portion of the skull-I can not emulate what you did with the great solution that you provided for me last week. Can you please help, perhaps guide me and tell me what I am doing wrong? I'd be much obliged, Craig
@Craig please see my posted message, thank you for this, Craig