Deformer Sequencing Issue?
I am making a cornucopia basket using cloners and extrudes, and bending it into shape with deformers. Model attached.
Everything works great - except the rim on the basket lip. It gets warped off into space rather than staying in place on the basket lip. I feel sure this has something to do with the order the deformers are applied, but no matter the order I line them up, the result is the same. Any suggestions?
I'm sure this is a hilariously simple oversight. Can't wait to see it
Hi MFVis,
Thanks a lot for the file.
The secret is that you had the Spline in the Hierarchy. This Spline gets deformed. All fine, but the object that follows the Spline is deformed as well: In total –– Twice.
Drag the circle spline out of the Hierarchy. If you want to move it with the rest, create a new Parent and place it all under this one.
Nice work.
My best wishes for your project!
Fantastic! I knew it would be brilliantly simple. Of course. -
Thanks for the feedback, MFVis.