Task Manager Controls?
How can you interrupt a process (like ReMesh) once it's started? The Task Manager shows the process grinding through, but offers no way to interrupt to cancel it. I even deleted the ReMesher, closed the program and restarted it - only to find the ReMesher was still grinding away. Surely there's a magic button somewhere?
I found this post from a while back that encapsulates the problem (though no solution that I could see):
I’ve noticed that Cinema 4D R18 stays open in the task manager of Windows 10 even after you’ve closed it. This means that you have to Control+Alt+Delete and close Cinema there too before you can boot it again. I’ve seen this in R17 also, but it seems to happen only every now and then. Is there an easier way to get Cinema to close completely every time so I don’t have to go in manually and close it down before opening it back up? Thanks a lot!ANSWER:
From experience there are two possible reasons for this behavior:There 's a thread running that ignores the message to shut down. Basically you have no save way to terminate such a thread without triggering a crash and/or potentially creating a data corruption (e.g. because data has only been saved partially).
There has been a lot of ram used and you’re probably running into virtual memory. In that case in take quite some time until memory is swapped back and released.*
Have things improved in the years since?
Hi MFVis,
Typically, the Escape button is the answer, which is often not super responsive, as some tasks can flood the system with requests, and (so my impression) that needs to be cleaned up first so the system can breathe again.
I'm not using Windows 10, nor have I worked in R18 or R17 for a while.
I'm not sure if the Support has an answer to that nearly decade-old OS with the combination of R18 on file anymore.Please check with tech support, but allow some time as Maxon is officially in Holiday Mode until Thursday. (New Year is coming as well).
My best wishes.