Great. Thanks, as always, Dr. Sassi. I'll run through your notes, and your new scene, to see whether I can get a handle on the situation. Ultimately, I may just have to forge ahead, and just deal with masking the problem areas in AE, given the deadlines on the work. Then, I can try to learn more about this, after.
Latest posts made by entry-newspaper
RE: Particles Collision Issue
RE: Particles Collision Issue
Thanks, Dr. Sassi. I see what you did, and that might otherwise work. However, in the actual scene in my project, the camera is trained at the sphere, so I can't quite get away with just blowing those unwanted particles to the left.
It seems like they're getting "captured" inside the collider object. So, I'm still trying to figure out what's causing that to happen. -
Particles Collision Issue
Good morning!
I've attached a simplified scene, with a basic (C4D) particles simulation.
I'm having a devil of a time, preventing the particles from "collecting" on my collider object (sphere) at the end of the animation, when the sphere accelerates. The attached screen caps highlight those errant particles.
As it stands, I have the "collision iterations" in the collide modifier set to 10. I also have the scene "substeps" set to 10.
But those settings don't seem to be preventing the issue. Further, when I grossly exaggerate those settings, for instance, 20 units for each parameter, it still doesn't seem to help. But it sure does choke down there performance of the sim, to an unacceptable level.So, are there other settings that which I'm unaware, that might help solve this? Or some other modifier trick, that will simply work around that?
RE: Particles Attract to Vertex Map?
Thanks, as always, Dr. Sassi.
I rather figured there wasn't a (at least as of yet) direct way to do this sort of effect.
Noseman's example you reference, certainly is interesting. However, by the time I would rig everything up in my actual project, it's like the same amount of labor as what I'm currently doing: Emitting from the vertex map, caching, then reverse time mapping the alembic file.
I did experiment with some splines, to direct the motion, but ultimately those only deal with the distant particles. But I need great fidelity at the point that which those particles "land" on the surface of the object, as those have to perfectly match the vertex map - which is also controlling the RS shader material and displacement. -
Particles Attract to Vertex Map?
I'm wondering whether there is any combination of (new) C4D Particles tools / modifiers, which might allow particles emitted from a separate source, to be attracted to the mesh of an object, based on a vertex map?
I know the technique for generating particles, with a mesh emitter, and using the vertex map to control the location of the emission. But there doesn't appear to be any (obvious) method to do the reverse.My attached scene is set up with what would seem like the basics, and the minimum number of controls; but the closest I get is to just attract / stick the emitted particles to the object mesh, but with no regard for where precisely. The Surface Attract and Stick external modifiers have no provision to input a vertex map or polygon selection. So it's clearly something which would have to involve more complex math or conditional modifiers...even it is even possible at all.
RE: Exclude Particle Forces from Objects?
Great, thanks. I'll test those options, further. I initally did try to employ the Simulation Scene, because it seemed logical. But for some reason, my results still seemed off. But I'm sure it's because I was just rushing to test things, and didn't pay close enough attention.
RE: Smoothing Geometry
The model, or at least that part, was obviously exported with very coarse tessellation. You could always re-mesh (not remodel) something simple like that. But that's not realistic, if your complete model is very complex. Nor will re-meshing necessarily remove those "steps" in the geometry; mostly, that will just soften the vertices between those faces.
Do you have a communication channel, with the person who generated the original CAD file, or whomever exported that .OBJ file? Because your best bet, by a mile, would be to either ask for a STEP file, and take care of the .OBJ creation, yourself. Or, at the very least, ask for another export, with finer mesh settings.Good luck!
Exclude Particle Forces from Objects?
I have a simple scene (attached) whereby I have a simulation of a ball bouncing on a floor.
Secondarily, I used a vertex map to drive some particles, emitting from where the ball impacts.
However, the forces / effects I wish to apply to the particles are also affecting the ball simulation; which I don't want.
How does one go about excluding or separating forces, in a project like this?Thanks!
RE: MoGraph Randomize Help Needed
Thanks, so much, Dr. Sassi. I'll run through your example project, and your detailed notes to understand the options.
RE: Maxon Moves...but Inside Cinema 4D???
Hey, thanks. Sorry, for being a little vague. What I meant by "know" is more along the lines of being aware that selected objects can be baked, or materials can be baked.
I guess I'm just looking for something more turnkey, which can take a more complex, multi-part and multi-textured object, and spit-out a single object and single texture - in one click. Fantasy world stuff, I guess.