Hi Ondrej,
The main Take has no animation.
Creating a new [+] Take and drag all the elements into the right-sided field that you would like to have changed (animated) in a certain way. If you add animation in a Child Take, it is only in this specific Take.
A copy and paste might require RMC (right mouse click) on the parameters while the Take in question is selected (name is active - to see the content in the right field, plus, the square on the left to see it in the editor view), which this RMC the OVerwrite option is given for any grayed out parameter. Now it can be overwritten, or if it has unwanted animation, the red Dots on the parameters can be cleared for that taking.
Tip: Explore this using a simple example first. Often, learning something new and having a huge project, like your machine, doesn't provide the feeling of being able to explore (i.e., mess it up and see what happens).
Screenshot 2024-11-17 at 11.13.31 AM.jpg
Enjoy your Sunday