Length of a helix
This might be more of a math problem, but I have a helix in C4d that I need to convert to a "length", i.e know how long the helix would be if it was "stretched" into a straight line.
Is there a way to do this easily in C4d?
Project filehttps://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/7s48yfu7slzb7bbj6829t/HelixLength.c4d?rlkey=c4rdpvh8va1v5bpcsp5d00a6i&dl=0
Thanks for the file, AlexC!
I typically use an XPresso Tag for this. In the example, I have fed the length of the Spline into the Object's name so you can see in the Object Manager what is going on. (I deleted anything else in the file to be able to post it here directly.)
All the best
Wow! I had no idea you could derive the length like that! Amazing...
Thank you Sassi! -
You're very welcome, AlexC.
My best wishes for the project.
Dr. Sassi