Moves by Maxon - not connecting
using C4d 24.0.2 on Mac OS13.5 and Moves by Maxon app on iPad Pro.
when i open the Moves by Maxon extension, i get a message saying No Connection. Waiting for device to connect on port 61054. There is no QR code as shown on the video and i get no dialogue asking where to saves downloads to.
I cannot figure out how to connect the two apps together. The instructions both in the online help manual and the video intro all mention Preference Options that use IP addresses .
There is no option to add an IP to pass the data via wi-fi.
Announce service to local network is selected.Any suggestions how can i set up Moves to work within C4d 2024?
Adam -
@lightningad answered it my self - using the Airdrop on ipad i can send the file to the Mac, then manually copy the data into a capture folder.
Don't know why i didnt think of that earlier!
Hi lightningad,
Thanks for solving your question.
I had problems when they used two frequencies while both apps ran on different ones.
My best wishes for your project.