Visualizing field force (or other force) vectors
I'm trying to achieve an effect that involved "visualizing" a turbulence field.
I followed Noseman's tutorial on creating a pyro simulation on a candle wick, and everything is working ok (the resolution of the simulation is a bit blocky, but I can probably upres).
I'd like to visualize the turbulence field that is touching the candle, a bit like what you see when you put down a force field, or like X-Particles visualizing tools for forces.
Is there any way to do this with built-in tools? Could it be a particle sim that is affected by the turbulence but with some kind of arrow sprite?Thanks for any suggestions, here is my project file -
Hi AlexC,
Not by default, and yes, that would be easy in X-Particles.
How about this show here, leading to your desired particular effect?
All the best
P.S.: This is the simplest way to showcase "turbulence" or, better, Animated Noise controlled via a Field.
Thank you Sassi! Am going to dive into all this today
You're very welcome, AlexC.