What happened to Delta Mush?
Hello C4d Friends!
I've been opening some older .c4d files, and the Delta Mush I used when creating them is causing an issue. The entire mesh is see through when it's enabled. Took me forever to find out DM behaves like this, and it's consistent with multiple mesh characters I built at that time.
I'm guessing it has something to do with a recent update? Perhaps it's related to my recent upgrade to Redshift?
Thanks everybody!
Hi Chum,
I have set up a little test scene in R26 and opened it in 2024
I can't see any transparency.
How is this file working for you?
Thanks Doc, unfortunately my files aren't behaving so well. I stripped everything down to the mesh, and here's what I get:
(hopefully it misbehaves in the same manner)
Hi Chum,
Thanks for the file; as usual, that helps a lot.
Please have a look here:
If you encounter similar problems, use the
"Main Menu> Mesh> Remove> Optimize" function.
All the best
Thank you, Doc,
Can you please explain how optimize works in this instance? The only time I've used this function was to weld points close together.
You're very welcome, Chum!
Select the Polygon object, and go to Object Manager> Object> Object Information. 2506 Points. Close that message window.
Then, use the optimize function.
After that, go again to the Object Information: 2468 Point.
Somehow, there was twice the information in some areas.
How did I got there? Gut-feeling. There is no logic or previous case that acted in that way.
The Delta Smooth was working after that. Which I think was the target.