Parquet Flooring
Thought this would be simple, for the life of me I can't figure out to do this with a cloner. Just trying to get an interlocking parquet floor pattern
Hi smckenzie,
Thank you very much for the file.
Please have a look here:
Is that working for you? I have animated it so it shows more of what each part does. So you can quickly set up the amount you need.
Enjoy your project
This is perfect and so much simpler. What exactly is the Expresso doing?
Thanks for the feedback, smckenzie.
The Xpresso was simple to get the same clone count that the Cloner produces for Cloner.1
Right Mouse Click (RMC) on a Parameter, then Xpressions, Set Driver, and then to create at the receiving Parameter, RMC, and Xpressions> Set Driven.Anyway, here is an even simpler version.
But it progresses in pairs in width.
CV4_2024_drs_24_MGfp_11.c4dAdjust what you need in the Cloner> Object> Count.
This is even better. I was definitely over thinking it! Thanks so much again.
Thank you for your reply, McKenzie. Your feedback helps me as well.
Yes, often, the simplification comes for me after setting up a few versions first, then walking away, and somehow, it pops up in my mind after a while what to do.
My best wishes
Circling back to this - now what I need is to dump the cloner into a single object with random selection tags for the planks. I did post about this before and you kindly replied but when I try it I don't get any selection tags.
Hi smckenzie,
The file from 2023 works nicely in 2023, but not in 2024. I need to write and report.
Materials are from the 2023 file.
Here is my workaround: perhaps duplicate the materials, change some parameters, and double the amount of clones below.
Sorry about that; it should work; the Layer Switch is not even working when run manually.
All the best
P.S.: Perhaps a bit more complex, but it helps avoid too much repetition.
(Textures not included, Asset Manager)
P.S.2: A very small set up, while kind of complex
(Textures not included, Asset Manager)
This is awesome, the kind of solution I've been searching for ages! I'm on an intel Mac with AMD cards so OSL doesn't really work properly on it, so I'm unable to use the random bitmap.osl's, but this native solution solves that.
I wish I knew more about how to use those formula's.
You're very welcome, smckenzie.
Think of the most straightforward formula as the number 1, in other words, replace the formula with 1. This is then the same as the Plain Effector.
The one stands for 100% of the Parameter in the Effector.When you explore the Variables in the interface, you might get some ideas already: use the id/count to have values from zero to 1 applied to clones with the id zero to id max.
That should be all for the beginning. Let it sink in.
All the best