Backgrading Cinema 4D
Since the latest upgrades, Im finding the team render very unstable. Software simply turns off, no problem message or log file. Software starts again as before, without a crash message... Anyway, I have a lot of rendering to do, and want to revert back to version 2024.4.1 and Redshift 3.6.01, when life was easier.
Can you do this through the Maxon App, or is the only way to download from the websites?
Thx, Simon
edit: I have already contacted support, but I need this working asap... -
Hi Rough1,
Sorry about your troubles.
I have no option to share previous versions as a download.
I hope Tech Support can help with the trouble. A wild guess would be to check the "Write and Read" rights of the drive or install Cinema 4D on a different drive.
My best wishes for your project.