Hairs "explode" during animation
I'm having an issue with hair in that hairs on an animated character keep "exploding" for single frames during the animation, I assume when they interact with a collider, which gives the hair flickers of strays. There is a Hair Collider on the character's mesh, and one on his shirt. Here are images of the issue and the the settings. I have Rest Hold on 90%, and the hair on Rigid because I want the beard and mustache to retain their shape and be pretty stiff. Any suggestions?
Hi Tamim8r,
Set the Resthold to 0%, and check if all other visuals of the Hair stay in the way you wanted them. I can't tell more from the images.
Perhaps change the "Steps" and "Iterations" higher in the Hair>Dynamic> Advanced. Perhaps you have, but not in the images.If that doesn't help, I need the file; Images are super limited in problem-solving.
I assume the file is larger than 1MB, so please add Dropbox, WeTransfer, Google, Apple, or Adobe Cloud service; please avoid zip/rar or Tiny URLs. Thank you.
All the best
Okay, thanks! It's very finicky.
Thanks for the reply, Tanmir8r.
Yes, my impression is that if two or more conflicting settings collide, things get a little bit more complex to "tame". Since we have no analytic tools for Hair like we have with Simulation to a certain degree, the though below is more an opinion than a fact:
Keeping the beard's shape while colliding and not losing a natural "reaction" to the collision is not an easy task to solve, if at all.
Hence, my suggestion is to lower the value of one influence.My best wishes for the project