Scaling a motion tracked scene
I have a scene where I used the motion tracker, and am integrating a 3d element in the motion tracked scene.
However to properly fit in the scene, the 3d element needs to be scaled 10 times to be in the right dimensions.
I am applying a pyro simulation to this object, but I realize that it is way too small, and I can't get enough voxel resolution to match the object's size.
I tried doing a "Scale Project..", but that created all kind of issues with my tracked camera's animation.Is there a specific procedure to follow to scale a scene that has been motion tracked so all stays the same, but proportions are overall increased?
Hi AlexC,
The Motion Tracking needs calibration. This calibration sets the size (scale) and orientation of the tracking. example, in the Vector Tag, you can set a distance between two tracker features, which will set the scale of the scene that you like to create. kind of hack would be to place the whole tracking under a Null and scale from there. In your case scale would be 0.1 for each axis of the Parent null. All parts of the tracking need to be under the null. Possible, but I would try to set things up with the tools that were developed for it. From my point of view, setting up the camera with specific tags to set the orientation and size is the way to go.
As usual, before I answered, I checked the latest release (2023-2), all is working as it should.
All the best
Ah! That makes perfect sense, thank you Sassi. This is exactly what I needed to understand, and indeed using the Vector tag is what I was looking for.
Thank you!!!
You're very welcome, AlexC!
My best wishes for your project.