Animated splines from illustrator problem
Hi Dr Sassi, hope you're well!
I have yet another question, I've got an animated sequence imported from Illustrator to C4D. There's 71 frames in total and Im using a cloner and Plain Effector to cycle through the frames with Modify Clone.
However the extruded sequence jumps all over the place.
It seems for some reason the splines imported from illustrator have random directions so I need to go through and manually reverse each spline that's pointing the wrong way.
I thought If I set the timeline to 71 frames to match the sequence I could easily do that by matching the animation frame with that of the timeline, but its off by fractions because the Modify Clone works with percentage and not actual frame number so finding the frames that need fixing is difficult too.
Do you know if there's a better way to do this? Or can I make all the splines point the correct way easily? Or even quantize the Modify Clone parameter so it doesn't use fractions of a percent?
Here's a link to the project file:
Thanks again!!
Hi MaverickMongoose,
Thank you very much for the file and for using Wetransfer
Please go to the Extrude and set the
Object> Direction: Z
(not Auto).
That should fix it.If not, place all the Ai objects und er the Extrude, then check the Hierarchy option to on.
While the Extrude is selected, press the c key.
Now, all Splines have their very own Exdrude.
Select all and place them under the Cloner.One or the other will work usually.
Set the Clone amount to one.Let me know how it goes.
Please check your Illustrator files, it shows a lot of duplicate spline.
Perhaps you have set the "stroke width" to zero, but left the color on?
In Cinema take spline 17 and Use the Spline>Segments> ExplodeCheers
Brilliant, that worked perfectly, cant believe I missed that!
Thanks again Dr Sassi!
You're very welcome, MaverickMongoose.
Thank you very much for taking the time.
My best wishes for your project!