Catenary measure
I'm having a bit of a doubt about something...
If I have a straight spline I put in a catenary to give it some sag, then convert it to object, and measure it using the Xpresso Spline node, I feel like the length is not correct...
I took the spline that had a catenarty, converted it to object (to bake it the catenary), then measured it with Xpresso.
I then use the Spline>Straighten tool to see if they had the same length, and indeed they do...How can I obtain the lenght of the spline + Catenary?
Hi AlexC,
That is new to me. Anyway, here is a simple "Measurement Tool":
Click on the Orange Layered Null, go to User Data, and drag the Spline in question into it.
I hope that helps
Amazing...this is such a great little widget/tool to have!
Thank you Sassi!
Thank you very much for the feedback, AlexC.
When you use Sag>Fixed, the entered value matches very closely.
My best wishes for your project!