Possible to loop an alembic cloth simulation?
I have a cloth simulation I've exported out from Marvelous Designer that I'd like to texture and light in Cinema 4D. The goal of this simulated garment is to have it loop seamlessly.
I've found a few different methods online that touch on this very thing, but I've not been successful in getting them to work. Two of the three methods utilize the Pose Morph tag and the third uses Motion Clips. I should say rather that I have gotten the Motion Clips route to work though the end result creates a noticeable 'loop seam' where the clips meet.
Here is a link to my garment's exported .abc from Marvelous Designer for anyone who would like to use this to test a solution: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ydl8wbpu4h07qxsu32uuz/ShirtLoop_007b.abc?rlkey=0y6t5a5ua2pj1dja5crr07irn&dl=0
The Pose Morph route seems like the most ideal solution, though the tutorials I've followed along with are able to get it work without issue. I'm confused as to why my attempts have been met with failure.
Here are the tutorials I've used so far:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OHSue5I9nWIThank you in advance for your time!
Thanks for the file.
Ideally, a loop already has fit sections—while checking your setup for frame zero and frame 41.
To get the data from the abc file, you can use a Matrix Object, the Object mode, and place the abc file as "Object"; this allows you to Chache the Matrix while it is set to Vertex. Chaching allows to offset the animation.
Create a Polygon copy (no animation) and place it in a Matrix. Use the Vertex mode here. In transform, use a different color.
This is the first step in exploring what can be done. The two need to match very closely, better perfectly.
Rest the offset for the next step.
With an Xpresso Itteration setup, you can transfer the Matrix values to the point values of the Copy.
With Cappucino, getting the Point Level Animation (PLA) recorded is easy. Perhaps a step too much, but I would like to have that data before creating an Animation Clip from it.With a copy of the animation clip, you can blend the two while having the same point of each clip as in (for the first) and out point (for the second)
I have not tried to use the point cache, as the MoGraph cache already showed 4.5 GB of data. Which brings up my question: The file looks like it was subdivided. Is it possible to get the original low-res mesh? It would help in many ways. For example, you could check if the Point Cache would be the faster way to create a loop.
Image below the two meshes at zero and -41 offset
Please be aware that the interpolation for the transition of the points is linear, and the matching point position should be done very well.
All the best
Hey Dr. Sassi!
Thank you (as always) for taking the time to provide your insights. The direction for this project ended up pivoting and now the simulation no longer needs to loop seamlessly.
You're very welcome, ne.____.il
Thanks for taking the time.