Hey there! Not entirely sure how to best phrase my query, but I've noticed (what feels like) strange behavior with the UVW tools?
In previous versions (as best as I can recall), when I would select the seams for edges to be unwrapped (imagine a rectangular label, as an example), Cinema, most of the time, would do a pretty good job of keeping edges straight. However, over the last year or so, I've noticed that this doesn't seem to be the case anymore. For the most part, I've made my peace with it and have done a lot of manual 'fixing', to get edges to be straight.
Currently I'm doing some practice with texturing and modeling with various books from the Asset Library and as I'm resizing some of the books, I've now a need for the UVs to be re-unwrapped so that the square aspect ratio of the texels are maintained.
The issue I'm running into, and not really certain as how to best solve, is that when I re-unwrap one of these assets, the resulting map is skewed.
I've attached a screen recording demonstrating this. I feel like this is something that is very basic that I'm either A) ignorant of, or B) forgetting to do.
Here's a link to the screen recording: https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/ie7147j7fodndwrzyij5f/2024-07-25-15-58-58.mp4?rlkey=lmm0mb73a4v13q8d8nqnv3s9t&dl=0
Any/all insights are greatly appreciated!