Spline Animation, PLA
Please only one theme per thread, so it is readable and can be searched more easily. Thank you!
First part of this thread was
https://cineversity.forums.maxon.net/topic/1244/constraints-lagging/6 -
Thanks Dr.
On a different front, I wanted to create the animated Spline based on created Nulls and bake its PLA animation, but the tangents are not being smooth and kind of twisted.
I know I could use Trace but the plugin I am using to generate a tree is not accepting it
If you go to frame 600 you will see the difference between the baked Spline and the Tracer
Hi resort-sand,
Thanks for the file.
(Sorry for the delay; some obstacles have shown up in my day that needed attention.)
Yes, that will not fly with a bezier. The information that you give with the Nulls is position only. There is no data for the Bezier handles to go on. There is no option to place this in an XPresso setup.
The Bezier handle's direction would be one part, and the power they put into the Spline (Influence) would be the next; both are unavailable in XPresso.
I would go with other options (Spline Type) here.
As a longer side note:
When you put anything at Generator 499, that works as the last part of the processing, except there is another Generator 499 below it.
This needs to be cached each time; otherwise, the Tracer, not Generator 499, will use the information from a previous frame.Again, if you do not cache the Generator 499 and have more things along the pipeline, this will cause trouble. Serious delays. Let me explain in more detail:
You have to get clear about the Priortitiees, and if data is not processed based on too high priorities, then the data from the frame before will be used; the process that starts after that will get a frame of old data and process it for the next one, which called up the data as well before the Generator 499 was processed, then you have two frames delay. Over the past decades, I have seen a few cases with up to five frames of delay based on setting things high.
There are limitations, and then cache is the only way to provide the needed data at the beginning of the process.
The problem is that it is hard to judge from the editor's point of view, as that is often refreshed. Hence, the data is refreshed, and sometimes, no delay can be spotted. With that, you would change something in the editor, and it would not appear.
So, if not cached, be very careful with providing Priority levels. It can break your work.
In the XPresso, X-manager, the list of objects also goes from top to bottom.
Which might (or often not) cause problems; it depends on the setup.All the best
Thanks Dr.
I noticed you are also a VES member, hope we cross road in the real life one day
All the best -
Thanks for noticing, resort-sand!
It's nice to see someone else from the VES here!Yes, I admired people in the VES, providing me with the first NUKE class I took in 2007 at FXPHD. So, I was happy to join a few years ago!
Yes, I get the impression that it will be an interesting exchange, coffee is on me
I hope to be at events again soon, which is often the easiest way.Enjoy!
Let's see how and where
Yes :-), resort-sand,
I hope to get more cross-country events again, as I was told to do. But this year so far was more about change than traveling.
The pause caused by COVID-19 was not fun. I miss this week's Siggraph, and fetching a Pixar TeapotWhile meeting and getting updates on what people do. I always loved that.