A new trial using Text Object instead of Text Spline
A new trial using Text Object instead of Text Spline
How is it possible to align a long text on a circular path (helix) and decreasing the size of the text until it reaches its end
When I use the size curve inside Spline Warper, the behaviour is strange as if the size applies on one side of the text rather than the whole word. Is there a way to decrease a size of a text like applying Step effector ?[TEASER_V02_A.c4d.zip](Invalid file type. Allowed types are: .png, .jpg, .bmp, .txt, .c4d, .jpeg)
Hello everybody
If anyone has created or found good parameters to create a WISP Smoke, I would love to have them shared
I am sure I can share something in exchange if anyone needs help
How to make a smoke wisp art directable in term of how it flows?
I want a smoke trail to follow an Spline or a mesh as if it morphs to its shape without being trapped inside it, like if the smoke follows a circle but still dissipating vertically
Hey Dr. I will try both, the thing is that it is a rotomotion and sometimes the two geos even if they have the same vertices number, the selection seems different enough to not be useable. I think both techniques you pointed out needs the two geos to be superposing each other !!!
Hello, I may explain the issue in a bad way, but long story short, I have a precise vertices selection tag on a moving mesh, and then when the mesh was updated by my animator, I discovered that even if it is the same vertices number, somehow the vertices list is different in location from the original mesh, is there a way to detect the vertices and tag them correctly using the first mesh ? like closest points or so ?
Thanks Dr. The alembic files were not very important to reproduce the bug, actually I am testing it now by putting a scatter object between the Particle Group and the Mograph object and the early tests show no render bugs.
There is always a scatter object that solves an issue inside c4d
I appreciate once again your quick solution, even on a Sunday
Have a great day
In this scene, I am creating petals using emitters following and colliding with some objects, until suddenly, a week ago, I noticed that my render using redshift, ignores completely the main particles emitter randomly (example :frame 3 in my scene), even if:
1- it is cached
2-it is seen in the viewport
2- it is renderable using Redshift IPR but not renderable using Picture Viewer nor as a saved picture
3-It is renderable using standard and physical renderer
When I bake the mograph that uses the particle group to Alembic, it works better but I have some petals exploded into small pieces like the picture shown (example: frame 4 in my scene)
I changed the scene, debugged on and off, motion blur, bokeh, changing particles objects inside mograph, starting a new scene using the same setup...etc.
Help is appreciated
Thanks Dr.
I noticed you are also a VES member, hope we cross road in the real life one day
All the best