Reversing a pyro sim
Hey guys! I have a cached pyro sim which i would like to reverse directly in C4D, so the same thing happens as on the sim just in reverse, i tried loading it into RS Volume as well, but can't seem to find a way to reverse it, so i'm wondering if im missing something?
Hi glass-job,
I assume you were very close. Since I write in a forum I might mention steps you ahve already done, but others might want to know.
Call up a Main Menu>Volume> Volume Loader.
Connect your cached vdb sequence.
Check the start and end (From / To) values.
Then, set the Offset to the maximum frames as a negative value on Frame zero. Set a keyframe, select the keyframe, and use the linear in the Attribute Manager.
Set the Offset value to the sequence's full Frame for the last Frame.So, what happens here is that the negative value sets the start frame to the end of the cache sequence, and the positive value on the end moves to the sequence starting point.
If you do not change it to linear, a spline curve-based interpolation happens; it will inverse the sequence and meddle with the timing. It is not what a reverse of a sequence request needs or wants, as some frame-based vdb will stay longer than a frame, and some stay shorter.All the best
@Dr-Sassi Thank you for the advice! It works pretty well, loving the simple solution.
Thank you very much, glass-job.
Perfect! Thanks for the kind feedback.
Enjoy your project