adding turbulence to emitter
hello, I am trying to make sheets of paper emit from a printer and get a little chaotic, look like drag makes them slow and spin, curving and bending, maybe even colliding. I tried some different forces, have them in the Include field of the emitter. I turned on Aerodynamic everywhere i could find it, but so far they just launch like little ski jumpers, perfect form, totally rigid, and intersecting. they have softbody tags. do they need thickness?
thank you
Hi schnoidl,
Would that be a better starting point? The core adjustments are mainly based on the Linear Field.
Have a nice Sunday
thing of beauty, that will do just fine. thanks again ; )
You're very welcome, schnoidl.
My best wishes for your project.
bend deformer with fields, clever
Thanks again
schnoidl, and nice to see that you explore it.
Please let me know if you have any questions about the setup or something you would like to have added.
The Bend is also animated, but I guess you saw that already. for anyone reading along...