Inherit position
Hi Dr Sassi, I have 2 spheres orbiting around within a bigger sphere, as the bigger sphere approaches another sphere, it breaks free of the orbit and joins the orbit of the other sphere instead (probably a bit hard to visualize).
I've tried using an inheritance effector, and with dynamics (field force and attractor) but no matter what I do I cant get it to smoothly go from one sheres orbit to the next - the effector works best but not as smooth as Id like.
I thought it would be easy to do with dynamics but it just goes crazy.
Maybe particles would be a good option?
Any ideas?
Here's my 3 failed attempts, just trying to get the red ball to go from one to the next.
Hi Maverick Mongoose,
Thanks for the files. The red one is in question, correct?
Here are two files with adjustments to your idea. Let me know if that makes sense and if it is to your liking.
The transition and its behavior depend on the timing, i.e., where to set the keyframes.CV4_2025_drs_24_ANia_01.c4d
CV4_2025_drs_24_ANia_11.c4dAll the best
Cheers for that!
I managed to get the inheritance effector looking pretty decent by offsetting the timing as you mention here, but I was hoping to make it more organic looking.
Was hoping the dynamcs option would work out but the attrator or field force just make the ball act crazy. Any idea how to tweak the settings to make that work if possible?
I might also try the new particle system, I think the Turn Modifier might allow me to have 1 particle follow another.
Perhaps try a Delay Effector, Maverick Mongoosse.
Also, the three keyframes, from zero to more intensity to zero, are the easiest way to adjust.
Is that more along with your idea?