Exclude Particle Forces from Objects?
I have a simple scene (attached) whereby I have a simulation of a ball bouncing on a floor.
Secondarily, I used a vertex map to drive some particles, emitting from where the ball impacts.
However, the forces / effects I wish to apply to the particles are also affecting the ball simulation; which I don't want.
How does one go about excluding or separating forces, in a project like this?Thanks!
Hi entry-newspaper,
Thanks for the scene file.
You can use a Simulation Scene to "isolate" the setup
Drag all the Forces that should not affect the Rigid Body in the Force Tab> Mode: Exclude. (Note that only one option can be used; include or exclude.)
https://help.maxon.net/c4d/2025/en-us/Default.htm#html/TRIGIDBODY-RIGIDBODY_PBD_FORCES_GROUP.html#RIGIDBODY_PBD_FORCES_INEXMODEI tested both in 2025.1.3, as things might change, and both work.
All the best
Great, thanks. I'll test those options, further. I initally did try to employ the Simulation Scene, because it seemed logical. But for some reason, my results still seemed off. But I'm sure it's because I was just rushing to test things, and didn't pay close enough attention.
Thanks for the reply, entry-newspaper,
Let me know how it goes.
Enjoy your weekend