create arcs between two objects
I am trying to guess the easiest way to create lines between two objects that simulate arcs that emits from a source to touch the walls of a bigger object, these lines I will convert them later to electrical arcs using the cool tool inside Assets manager.
I apologise in advance if the question is very basic, but I don't know why, I can't figure it outBest
Hi resort-sand,
Please never feel that a question is judged here. You want to do something, and that is all I care about to support exactly that.
Please have a look here:
CV4_2025_dr_25_XPlg_01.c4dI created the Splines, 20 single "lines" Merged and deleted. So I ahve 20 splines and 40 points. Those have an Index of 0-39.
With that established, each Spline point needs a position from the two Matrix objects. Here, the Index is 0-19.
This means for the Splines; I take the iteration from 0-19 times two for the Spline points, adding 1 to the doubled numbers, which turns 0-19 into 0-38 for the points. (Note: Splines have an Index from 0-39.)
The one without the added one is for one side of a single spline segment, and the plus 1 is for the other.
This results in two iterations, 1-30 and 0-38, each in steps of two (1, 3, 5, 7, etc., and for the other end of the Spline 0, 2, 4, 6, etc.)If you go to the Main Menu> Window> Structure Manager (mode to Points, while the Spline is selected, you see the results)
I hope that works for your production.
Enjoy your weekend
Many thanks, it makes total sense
Thank you very much, resort-sand!
My best wishes for your project.