Align to spline and deformers: is there a better method than using a tracer object?
I have been trying to align an object to a deformed spline and my question is about the right method to do that.The issue I am facing is that the alignment is done on the non deformed spline and not on the deformed spline as I thought it would.
I found a workaround in this 2010 post which works. This is illustrated in the attached file (in green is the element that properly aligns to the tracer derived from the deformed spline, in red the one that simply aligns (incorrectly) to the deformed spline.
My question is whether or not this is the right solution or if I am missing something? The solution seems convoluted, so I am wondering if there is a better way.
I am still new to this forum and I hope I am following protocol. If not, please just tell me and I will correct my question or you can delete it.
Thanks in advance.
Hi vincent.hardy,
Thanks for the file.
The simplest way would be to use a MoSpline as a "translator", as the Formula moves only the vertices up and down.
The MoSpline set to Simple Spline can do that. I have also added a Destination Spline, which the MoSpline object produces. It might allow for other options, but it is just an added idea here.
Is that working for you?
One favor: Please paste URLs just as in the text; I try to avoid these Word Links here for security reasons. People need to see where they go and do it actively. Thank you.
Enjoy your weekend
Noted for the URLs, will make sure to show the full URLs.
Thanks for the quick answer. Yes, the MoSpline in Spline mode works perfectly for my use case! For my education: is that a bug with the spline align tag or is there a conceptual reason we need to go through a MoSpline or a Tracer object for the deformed spline geometry to be accounted for?
Enjoy your week-end too!
-v -
Thanks for understanding with the URLs, vincent.hardy.
The Spline's information is taken before it is deformed. I tried shifting the Priority up and down, but there was no change.
As a side note, the Spline can be used directly inside the Tracer, no Cloner needed. Just set it to Connect Elements.
This is not
How to categorize it, I can't tell. I will know after writing a report. Since that was discussed many years ago, presumably, a bug would have been fixed by now, but I can't find any mention. As far as I can see, no report was filed.I will let you know how it goes. Sorry, that might take some time.
Have a great weekend
@Dr-Sassi Thanks, the simplification is very useful (only using a Tracer without cloning first) and I appreciate you figuring out if this is a bug or not. Best!
@Dr-Sassi Thanks again. Upon further testing, it seems that directly referencing the deformed spline from the tracer works on frame 0, but then animation changes do not get reflected. See the attached test file where I hid the deformed mesh so the trajectories are visible. But your MoSpline suggestion works (this is the one that is animated, so I do have a way forward! I am sharing this in case it is helpful for the report.
deformed_path_align_question-v2.c4d -
Hi vincent.hardy,
Thank you very much. Your initial file had no animation of the spline itself. Hence, I suggested the simpler version with the Tracer (Cloner/Matrix).
Anyway, thank you very much for confirming, and the file. I had already reported it:'m glad we have at least one way to get it working for you.
Thanks again!
Have a great weekend.