Viewerport is so much brighter than Redshift viewer?
Does anyone know why the Viewport window is so much brighter than the Redshift viewer? I am so confused as to why this happens, sometimes it is fine then other times it is way off, so much so that it is not possible to work!
Also, keep trying to post images here and they won't upload, I get an error that they are too big. What is the maximum size in pixles? They are under the 2mb limit.
Hi industry-departure,
Please open the file and render it in the RS Render View. change the Spread of the Light source. Render again. Can you see what has changed and what has not?
Another reason is given that you might have tone-mapped active; since that pushes the highlight down, it darkens things.
I never take the Editor view as a reference, and if you have HDR enabled in Cinema 4D and a monitor that allows 1000 nits or more, the effect will be even more substantial.
There might be more, as I have no data here from you, and your hardware and setup might differ from mine. The next step will be contacting the support if that is not workable for you. the best
Thank you for this,
Yes, the spread makes a big difference but I started out with the Sun and Sky rig, no spread setting on that.
Also in the Redshift viewer setting output set to Un-tone mapped seems to be better.
I posted photos so others may benefit from this.
I am on a Mac M1Ultra, a lot of issues with RedShift on the M1! It is not usable yet in my opinion, Way too many crashes! -
Hi industry standard,
The spread was just an example of how much (or not) changes in the light source impact the editor preview; hence, there is an IPR mode.
That you have crashes is not nice, but the place to discuss crashes is Tech Support. Here we talk about how things work or creative solutions.
Since I write in a forum, this addresses everybody reading along:
ā¢ The forum is a place to ask; we like to be proactive and constructive.
ā¢ Tech Support is the place to go when crashes happen or things seem broken.
ā¢ While each discussion thread should be used for a single theme, not mixing things, to keep it readable/searchable.I hope that for each crash a crash report is submitted; otherwise, it will perhaps not change. Some things need to be addressed in the development department, while the tech support sits in the middle to provide feedback based on artists' feedback. I do not go between that pipeline.
Anyway, sorry to hear that, and not fun. I have trouble with an input device on several M1 Macs, and I know how it feels to run against a wall with a fixing request.
Enjoy your weekend.
I contacted Support about this issue and they informed me that there is a separate setting in most lights for Viewport.
But this does not seem to be the case for the RS Sun & Sky Rig, so I created a new one, turned off the Render option and set it to light the viewport, so now I have 2 RS Sun & Sky rigs, one set to light the viewport (much brighter) and the other set for the render, works great. -
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the update, very much appreciated.
Great that you found your workaround; I wonder if a custom build Capsule could help here. Brainstorming here: Placing the light under the Capsule, setting it up for different uses, and adjusting it. Perhaps allow for individual or global adjustments, light group-wise. If you think that would improve your workflow, please let me know, and I will discuss it internally.
My concerns with the dual light setup might not be yours, but Light Groups and Light Project settings need to be kept in sync. Otherwise, there might be a surprise at one point.
The option that tech support mentions is the Preview> Illumination Adjustment slider.
This has zero impact on rendering; it is just a preview. your weekend