Saving tag/object selections in object manager?
I'm working on a scene that has many objects, all with Cloth tags applied.
Is it possible to store a selection of these tags so that I can double click on it, allowing me to select the tags as a group again, instead of having to manual select the tags anytime I want to adjust parameters?I feel like I saw a tutorial on YouTube covering this very thing recently though, for the life of me, I've not been able to locate it.
Any/all feedback is welcome and appreciated!
Select all the Tags, but also select something else, a Null Object. Tags by themselves are not able to produce a Selection Object.
Then go to
Main Menu> Select> Selection Filter> Create Selection Object.This produces a new Object in the Object manager. Click on it.
In the Attribute Manager> Object, you will find a list. Delete that Null object from the list.It should now work as you like to.
Restore Selection, and all parameters are provided from all Cloth Tags.
Please have a look here:
Scroll down to
Expanded Formula Entry by Multiple Selections, here: x, num, totEnjoy
Dr. Sassi, as always, thank you.
I am pleased to report, however, that when I selected only the simulation tags of my cloth objects, a Selection Object was created without the need of a null, or other object!
Great that this is working for you.
I checked here with 2023.2.1, and it doesn't work, which makes me wonder what the difference is.
I have set up several objects, put a Cloth Tag on each, and the option to create a Selection object is grayed out.
I'm curious about when it works and does not since I asked for that option a long time ago.
Thanks for the feedback.
That's strange!
As a point of reference, I'm on a Windows-based machine, also running Cinema 4D 2023 2.1.
I've attached a screen recording, not sure if it's helpful or not, but thought I'd pass along anyway. -
Very kind of you,
Thank you for using DropBox.
Yes, I'm on Mac here, and the Create Selection Object is not even in the Command Manager.
I have filed a report.
My best wishes.