Team Render with Redshift on a single frame?
I have seen people on youtube render a single frame with 2 machines using Team render and Redshift. I have set my system up the same way but I get one machine render one frame and the other renders another frame?
Is there a setting I am missing? I am on the latest version of C4d and Redshift for the Mac and my Team render machine is a PC.Thanks, Mark
Hi Mark,
Are you referring to this: setup is handled here. short reply is here usual, I tested it first before answering here. It works in 2023.2.1
I hope that helps.
Enjoy your weekend.
Thanks for the info! I did not understand that to get both computers to work on the same frame you have to be rendering one frame. I am working on animations with many frames.
The only thing I would like to see is a way to not have the team render machines start in the middle of the sequence, this greatly complicates things when there is a failed render.
So if I have 200 Frames the host computer starts on frame 1 and the team render machine starts on frame 100, then if the render machine fails (something that happens often) I am stuck with the first 50 frames and then 100 to 150 with a gap at frame 51 to 99 and 151 to 200, in this case, I need to set up 2 more renders to fill in the gaps, and if it has an issue again there will be 4 gaps. Would be great to have the option to set the team machines to start a set number of frames ahead or for me, ideally have both machines work in the same frame as it does with a single frame render.Or is there a fix I am not aware of?
Thanks, Mark
Hi Mark,
Thanks for the information.
This is all as it should be. Don't worry about crashes or interruptions. Try it yourself and take the Render Client that started with the first frame offline. The other will render as before, but when they are done, they fetch the missing images.
As usual, I have tested that, and that is how my setup here works with 2023.2.1. My set is based on A Render Server, Several Clients and THe host app was also running. I managed the Jobs via the A Browser interface. I checked the manual to see if that currently provides clear instructions.
The only thing I find perhaps misleading is the User Name and Password, which is perhaps just me; in both cases, if not customized, it is excatly this: admin
All the best
I am not using a render server, Just 2 computers networked together.
it overwrites frames if you restart as I have to do to get the render started again.
Thanks Mark -
Hi Mark,
Please check with the support the cause of the problem, i.e., why you have to restart in the first place. "Server" is just another app you have on your computer, with any complete installation of Cinema 4D.
Cinema 4D Team Render
This is the management tool that allows you to organize things. It is not another computer/box, just software. the best
So I can run the server app from the master computer running C4d?
Hi Mark,
That is the idea, and an Internet Browser is an interface.
Please run some small tests with it, it feels (at least from my first experience) a bit cryptic, but I believe it quickly becomes muscle memory.
I have used it with 2023.2.1 as the newest version, which makes me hopeful that you have no trouble.
I hope it works as you like to have it.
Happy Render Farming