Object Highlighting?
Two days ago I noticed that whenever I select an object now all of the edges of a given object highlight instead of just the bounding box.
I have no idea how this was toggled on, or if this is some sort of bug...
I've toggled on/off every setting I can think of that corresponds to this display mode but I've not been able to return it to what was previously the 'default'.
Does anyone know how I can reset this? I've included a screenshot of what I currently see.
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xabclwcyugistvk/image%20%281%29.png?dl=0Weirdly, a co-worker opened my project file and what they see is the 'normal' highlighted bounding box of the same object.
Hi ne.____.il,
I can only reproduce this one way since the image shows only an "all edges selected" cube, nothing else of the GUI, etc.
Please try the following:
Go to Preferences, then to
Viewport Display> Object Selection> Wireframe (Include Children).
Set both checkboxes to off.Is that helping?
All the best
Hello Dr. Sassi,
Success! Thank you for that. No idea how that setting got toggled on.
You're the best.
Thanks for the kind feedback, ne.____.il !
Those things are like mosquitos.
Small, but if not wanted, super annoying.