Object reveal (animation techniques)?
Hello, I would like to achieve a consistently smooth drawing effect with rounded corners during the animation.
I attempted to use a Spline Mask to reveal the object, but encountered shape mismatches. Additionally, animating the points of the spline proved challenging as there was no option to apply an easing curve to those keyframes, resulting in a strange-looking animation. I would greatly appreciate it if you could provide some techniques to help me achieve the desired effect, particularly when working with a 3D object that needs to react to bevel edges and geometry.
C4D scene screen recording using Spline Mask :https://drive.google.com/file/d/1_JdnST7KaL5d4xhEnJutuWfGM-F6H61h/view?usp=sharingThank you in advance for your assistance.
Hi fall-picture,
Please have a look below:
I have left a few generators off; please switch them on (or off) to your needs.
The Volume Builder/Mesher creates the main work, but I find that a Remesh with a lower polygon in a combinations Subdivision Surface creates smoother surfaces.
There are other options, like the Smooth Deformer. Either way, those setups are great when baked into Alembic. The option of Time Remapping helps tremendously to art direct more or less in real-time.
To animate a Spline-based construction, perhaps consider using the PoseMorph, and shaping with your needs. Note that Vertices must be the exact count if you use several shapes for the Pose Morph, which can be achieved with a MoSpline.
If you have any other questions regarding this, please share a scene file. Images and videos are nice, but I can't get all the data that I would get from a demo project file. Thanks for using Google Drive; very much appreciated.
@Dr-Sassi Thank you for your quick response Dr. Sassi. Just found some tutorials about Volume Builder I am going to try. In the meantime here is a C4D project. Smile_animation_reveal.c4d
Thanks for the feedback, fall-picture, I hope the Volume Object keeps you busy
All the best