Did Surface Scaled BlueNoise change in R24?
I'm trying to follow this tutorial by Noseman here
But when I set it up the way he did, I have no result at all. Is there something that could have changed in the new release of C4d? I'm using 2024
Thanks! -
Hi AlexC,
It didn't change, I asked Noseman, just to have a first hand information for you. Would you mind sharing your file (last iteration), so I can take a look.
All the best
Hello Sassi
The project file was in my post, here it is for ease : https://www.dropbox.com/scl/fi/acpik6pv7v1onghs8qloe/SurfacePacking.c4d?rlkey=2uk40ow6tj14f3fjfxx8fbb9o&dl=0
Thank you, AlexC.
I did the tutorial three times just to see if I got the same result, and going through it at one point, I missed this step, which led to the same result you have in your file.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F82AuduoN_g&t=114sFunnily, it happened to me the second time while I thought I had all the steps. I mention that as it is so easy to miss one step, as I have seen it over the years in questions here.
The best way for me is to watch and write a list of steps down. Because that list is faster to reproduce, I can put checkmarks on it. I have wondered for a while if such a list at the end of each tutorial would be supportive.
Here is your file with the edited two ports to the Object back
All the best
Ah!!! Thanks so much Sassi, indeed a small mistake but a critical one.
Thank you again!
Thanks for the reply, AlexC.
Yes, I guess it is something that is only too common. I believe there should be something on the training side to improve that. I will explore this phenomenon.
This simple setup should be a ready-to-use Capsule in the Asset Browser. I have no idea why Noseman has not placed it there already.
BTW: Have you used a Sphere as the first object?
My best wishes