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Can pose morph target a selection of vertices rather than an entire mesh?
I was wondering if there was a way to make the pose morph tag target a selection of vertices on a mesh rather than affect the entire mesh?
Or is there a way to lock a selection of vertices on a mesh so they are not affected by the pose morph tag?
Hi Sun-youth,
Please post in the Q&A. This Forum is for cases with problems with the Forum's access, for example.
There is no option to limit a mesh and Pose morph that way. You can do that with XPresso.
All the best
Hi Dr. Sassi,
Thanks for your reply.
The drop down box would only let me select Site Issues for some reason. I tried again this morning and it's still the same. The Question and Answers section is not appearing as an option. I'm using google chrome.
Could you please point me in the right direction of how to do this in Xpresso? I can't seem to find any documentation online. I found another old forum post from 2011 where someone was trying to lock vertices by using a python tag linking to a point selection tag but it didn't work for me.Thanks again!
Hi sun-youth,
Let's clear the access first.Not to start a discussion here, NOT the place, but to give you a starting point:
The simplest XPresso will work in a limited way and would require storing the points in objects.
A more specialized setup would work with the Point numbers in a Python-based List and call up the vector data for points only. (Python is discussed in the Developer Café, not at Cineversity.
Either way, many options in PoseMorph would require a lot of work. I do not see a real advantage in it.
However, the PoseMorph stores only Point values anyway (if that is the selected mode). To go with a lot of work and try to squeeze a few milliseconds out of the process seems counterintuitive.You might check the Cluster options instead. Again, this is not the place for any further discussion.
All the best
Anyway, I hope the access is soon cleared for you, and you can ask in the F&Q, not here please. Thank you.
Dr. Sassi